Common Website Problems

The website that you create is the prime junction of you and your customers’ communication which potentially modifies into boosting your sales up. And for that, your sales team backs you up 24x7. Also, the website design that you maintain is essential for an organizational conversion and an optimized performance. And the initial impression that you make matters a lot! But, what if your website encounters certain issues? What if your efforts to maintain the website fails you? Also, what if you have no idea about what problems they are in the first place? These are matters of concern since they hinder your transparency with your potential customers thereby affecting your consistency in propagating sales.

However, there are some highly frequent and common website problems that we studied since we face them too! Also, you must learn every nook and cranny of your website, even the issues that can occur. This enables you to directly act on the problem without wasting further time recognizing it. Hence, this article aims to present some common website problems that you must know.

1.  Poor Quality Design
This is the major cause for reduction in organizational sales. An attractive and updated website design is the key to a proper and uniform communication between you and your visitors. Statistics say that 60% of your business propagation depends on what you portray, that is, on your website design. If the layout is not user-friendly or the services provided are not apparent, you tend to face rejection. And a standard website design also demands proper information regarding the services.

But, if the data and information are not up-to-date, then the visitors are bound to revert back from your page since they don’t find what they seek. But, in reality, they may just miss it because the platform doesn’t share the record of your updated services. Now, that is an event which you, obviously, would want to avoid. Hence, maintain the updates by exhibiting them on your website to make visitors click-through!
2.          E-mail Address Exposed
There are few organizations that choose to announce their email address on the website itself. Doing this, makes your mailbox vulnerable to spams from bodies that employ web crawlers. Thus, they scrape the email addresses. However, you must inspect this issue and your web developers must render proper advice regarding the publishing of email address. And you must resort to a different alternative to provide the contact details.
3.          Fails W3C Markup Validation
The international association that generates the web standards, the World Wide Web Consortium imparts its individual validation service. Similar services assure the website's compliance with fundamental standards. However, unfortunately, all websites are not W3C obedient. World Wide Web Consortium, W3C, is not a ranking factor but bad coding can impact the remaining ranking parameters. Hence, compliance is essential.

4.          Broken Links
Non-functional links affect your overall or gross website quality. This issue primarily frustrates and annoys the user. Also, this makes the leading tech giant believe that you aren’t efficient in practicing diligence when it comes to updating the new contents. And the frequency of error or broken pages that your links take users to is an apparent indication of your website’s quality. This clearly signifies low maintenance. Also, this impacts your business highly since the visitors are compelled to check other reliable websites, thereby rejecting the current malfunctioning one.

To surpass this, you must process regular monthly inspection for any broken links lying around. Repair or remove them one at a time promptly.
5.          No Mobile Version
Now, most users tend to view their investment updates and share stats on the go. Laptops aren’t as friendly for on-the-go handling as mobile phones. Hence, they prefer their smartphones to operate on to learn what the seek. And they expect that the website they surf has a mobile version to view conveniently. But, if they encounter poor mobile version, they may judge beforehand and roll back from the page. Thus, you lose one potential customer. Google marks only 17% of websites as mobile-friendly and is the reason for the majority of unsuccessful or inconsistent business generation. Also, about 60% of online searches are done from mobile phones and not other desktop devices so, naturally, users demand everything in hand!

Also, a poor mobile experience of users brings down your ranking as well. Thus, it affects your business largely. Thereby, it also a crucial step that you must take to propagate better sales.
6.          Slow Web Servers
This is an aspect which frustrates the visitors so much that your website is left unopened. If it takes more than the stipulated time to load the entire web page, chances are high that you will lose a significantly huge crowd. And this, in return, impacts on your business immensely. Also, this indicates that your website shares server with several other websites ranging from hundreds or thousands. You can contact your hosting services to learn the whereabouts of your site’s hosting. Whether it is received on a dedicated server or not.which make the 503 service unavailable at the time page not load.

7.          Non-Specific Page Titles
A website bears multiple HTML components even though the most significant are the title tags. The title tags are very efficient in summing up the entire website content very briefly to leading search engines. But, sometimes the owners encounter several issues while searching for their own domain. The page appears as it is with the very title all throughout the website. Also, there are certain websites that appear in the search engine employing filler texts lorem ipsum. We witnessed numerous of them. However, the engines seek duplicate title tags to assess the website’s uniqueness, thereby missing traffic due to similar duplicacy.
8.          Security Issues and Certification Problems
This is a common aspect that most fail to look at. Cybercriminals and hackers are always ready to use any loophole for their own purpose. And hence, this must be the prime concern over anything else. You can obtain an SSL Certification for this purpose. This is, actually, an alternative to keeping your visitors and users safe during the time of a transaction. One of the frequent and common website problems, the security issues indirectly leads to a slower rate in your business sales.
9.          Badly Integrated
Your organization must promote its services over several relevant social platforms. Apart from that, a blog is also a significant way to enhance traffic along with engagement as well. Some businesses fail to manage posts over social platforms which thereby results in a lack of promotion. You must commence the act of promotion dedicatedly and hence, resort to proper management. This augments your business propagation thereby increasing your sales eventually.

These are the common website problems that the users face which you must take note of. Identifying the issues beforehand saves time in repairing it. Thus, we hope we were successful in providing the proper information
